Basque Knitter Professional Finishing Work

Finishing work takes time and finesse. Many knitters find finishing work cumbersome, difficult and tedious. I enjoy finishing work and seeing the pieces of the puzzle all come together!

I really encourage my knitters to take my Finishing Work Class as I think the biggest barrier to finishing one’s knitting is in the approach taken to create the item in the first place! Once you learn some basic skills and how best to approach your project, you’ll find finishing your own work a breeze.

But in the meantime…. I’m here to help you get that sweater sewn together, or the ends of that blanket woven in!

Finishing Work does not include knitting services (i.e, picking up and knitting front bands on a cardigan, knitting sleeves, etc.).

Fill out this form with more information about your project and I will get back in touch with you to provide a quote and timeline for your work!