
Like many things, knitting is better when shared with a community, and Salt Lake City has a great one!

Group stacking hands with colorful sweaters

Let’s support and share our love of knitting with each other!

There are many seasoned fiber artists in our community that knitters of all levels can learn from, and many ways to connect with your fellow knitters! This Community page is meant to show you some of my favorite knitting resources, events, creators, and small businesses, both around Salt Lake City and nationwide!

If you have additional resources you’d like to share, please let me know and I’ll add them!

Upcoming Events & Classes

I’ve done my best to compile great knitting events around our Salt Lake City and Utah communities into this calendar, including my own classes and retreats as well as events being hosted by trusted community partners.

Hope to see you at one of these events soon!

Knitting Resources